One book
Made Possible by the Westfield-Mayville Rotary Club
One book
Made Possible by the Westfield-Mayville Rotary Club
Episode 9: Robots
A robot is any machine that can complete specific tasks. Can you think of any robots you have at home or at school? Featured Books Read Book: Doug Unplugged by Dan Yaccarino, 2013 Young robot, Doug, is supposed to get smart by staying plugged in, but his adventurous spirit leads him away from the plug to learn from the world around him. New Book: Bitty Bot by Tim McCanna, 2016 Like a human child Bitty Bot is not tired and does not want to power down for the night. Can his space adventure keep him awake? Extension Activities
Board Books:
Picture Books:
Chapter Books:
YA Books:
Episode 8: Languages
A language is a system of sounds used for communicating with others. What language do you speak every day? Do you know how to speak any other languages? Featured Books Read Book: Runny Babbit, Shel Silverstein, 2005 Runny Babbit and his friends are normal animal kids, except they speak in their own silly language! New Book: Du Iz Tak, Carson Ellis, 2016 Enter a world of bugs and plants where each creature speaks its own language, yet somehow they all understand each other. Extension Activities
Book Recommendations Board Books:
Picture Books:
Chapter Books:
YA Books:
Diane Everett is an adjunct instructor in the Department of World Languages and Cultures at Fredonia State University. She enjoys dance, pilates, word games with family, and Harry Potter. |
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